Kingsbridge Brokers, LLC

Statement Concerning ESG & CEI Scoring Systems

(Official Position)

Kingsbridge places great importance and priority on making the world a better place. A place of equal opportunity, true equity in hands of many, freedom of thought and belief, as well as responsible stewardship of natural resources.

Because of this fact we actively reject the popularized ESG/CEI scoring systems.

The ESG/CEI scoring system, while much publicized as a sound set of practices, actually work against the stated objectives these systems proport, not only for the company but also for stakeholders, customers, communities, and environment.

The hatred, division, subjugation, real inequality, societal decay, environmental endangerment and poor business practices these scoring systems promote must be avoided. So too do we avoid then the companies organizations that actively promote ESG/CEI scoring systems and specifically the investment advisors/money managers who use their funds under management to 'nudge' companies towards ESG/CEI compliance or face not 'qualifying' for capital investment.

Additionally, when it comes patronizing, or investing in, businesses that seek a high ESG/CEI score we urge caution. At times, these companies are yielding to the inappropriate pressures of the public market manipulators. If that is the case, we recommend investing or purchasing sparingly until the board of directors are made aware of the damage caused by the pursuit of the higher ESG/CEI score and restorations can be made.

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